Marshall Road Elementary School
Welcome to the PTA’s enrichment website! Every fall and spring the PTA coordinates with vendors to offer an array of Enrichment Programs which are held at the school. These programs are only available in the mornings before school and typically last eight weeks, though some do run longer. For the fall, classes typically start in September and for the spring, classes typically start in February. Class offerings change each semester. In the past, offerings have included art, dance, chess, running, STEM, language, and yoga classes.
If you are looking for a list of courses, please select the ~Registration~ menu above or click here. Fall class listings are typically available in late August and Spring classes listings are typically available in January.
** Spring 2025 classes are currently available for registration. Registration will close on Tuesday, January 28th at 9 pm. **
Important: You do not need an account to register for a class.
***The Marshall Road PTA is proud to offer these enrichment classes each semester and we are thankful to the volunteers that give their time and energy to organize these classes and facilitate the registration process. Please consider joining the PTA and supporting the many things we do for Marshall Road! Link to PTA Membership Site. Please join the PTA today!***
Program Policies and Information
Online Registration
You can register for multiple classes at a time, but only one child at a time. On the Registration page you can find a catalog of the available classes, you can filter the classes by day & grade, and then you can register for the classes you select.
- Only credit card payments will be accepted online. Contact the PTA enrichment coordinator if you must pay by cash or check.
- Our system only allows for registering one child at a time.
- You will receive a confirmation email once you have registered.
- If you have any questions, issues, or need additional help, please email PTA enrichment coordinator, Cheryl Carter, at
Enrollment & Class Info
- Classes have an enrollment limit and are filled on a “first come, first served” basis. If a class is full, you may sign up for the wait list and will be contacted if space becomes available. If you are contacted about an opening, prompt responses are appreciated as there may be others also waitlisted.
- If a class hasn’t reached minimum size by the end of the registration, it will be canceled, and money refunded.
- Snow Days and School Closures – We follow the school schedule and guidance for before/after-school activities. Normally, activities will not run when there is not school for students.
- Sharing Information – By enrolling in our offerings, you are authorizing us to provide your child’s full name, grade, parent full name, telephone, and email to the vendor and instructors.
General Policies
- Participants are expected to conduct themselves with appropriate classroom behavior. We do not condone inappropriate or harmful behavior (physical or verbal) of our participants. In accordance with this behavior policy, we will notify parents of infractions as soon as we learn about them.
- Directors exercise discretion in imposing consequences for student misbehavior. When necessary, we will implement disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate.
- We reserve the right to withdraw a student from programming for repetitive incidences of disruptive or harmful behavior, for repeated violations of classroom rules, or for any instance of egregious conduct/behavior.
- For on-going problematic conduct with any participants, we may elect to withdraw that student from a specific class, or all classes, for which they are currently enrolled. We also reserve the right to remove a student from program participation for an extended timeframe if his/her conduct is egregious. Tuition is not refundable.
- We also reserve the right to withdraw a student from programming if parents and/or caregivers do not adhere to what we deem to be appropriate and civil behavior with Instructors, student participants, the Coordinator, and/or Directors. Tuition is not refundable.
Our instructors take attendance — for their own records only. Your child is responsible for arriving to class, either independently or with a parent/guardian/volunteer.
Class Cancellations
We operate on mornings when school is in session. We will not run under these circumstances:
- If School is closed.
- Instructor Absence: The Instructor or our enrichment coordinator will contact you via phone or email in the event an instructor has to cancel.
- Inclement Weather: Classes follow FCPS policy on cancellations due to weather. When school is cancelled or has a delayed opening due to inclement weather, there is no before-school programming.
- If the classroom/meeting space is needed by the school for another purpose and an alternate meeting location cannot be secured. (For example, the gym may be needed on school picture day, election day, etc.)
We will make every effort to add the missed days to the end of the schedule, space and instructors permitting. Make-up classes are not guaranteed. There will be no refund for missed classes.
- Refunds for cancelled classes: If a class is cancelled for the full session (due to low enrollment or any other reason), the full cost will be refunded. If a class is canceled for a given day due to a school closing, weather emergency, absent instructor, etc., the class will be made up, if possible. Make-ups are not guaranteed and there will be no refunds for missed classes.
- Refund Requests: Refund requests must be submitted in writing (email) to the PTA enrichment coordinator before the first meeting of the class. Once classes have begun, no refunds will be considered except in extreme or extenuating circumstances and at the discretion and approval of the PTA. Any refund issued due to a participant request will be for the amount paid for the class less a $10 administrative fee.
Financial Assistance
The PTA strives to make programming available to all families. Financial assistance is available for Marshall Road families that are part of the FCPS free and reduced-price meal program. For fall and spring enrichment classes, financial assistance is only available for one class, per student, per session, so that the PTA may assist as many students as possible. Similarly, for PTA sponsored spring break and summer camps, financial assistance is only available for one camp, per student, per session.
Please indicate on the registration form if you would like to be considered for financial aid. You can receive financial aid for only one class per student, so if you register for more than one class, then the most expensive class will automatically be selected and held until financial aid determinations are made. An email will be sent to the school administration confirming your eligibility. If you are approved for financial aid, you will need to pay 10% of the tuition price upon notification. If you do not pay within the specified window, your spot will be forfeited.